JUMP!Start™ Requirements Discovery

A JDQ JUMP!Start Requirements Discovery initiative establishes and documents a clear picture of your objectives; provides an assessment of your organization’s current conditions; identifies the resources required for you to realize success; exposes the impediments that are holding your organization back; and makes your commitment to the improvement process visible.

The JDQ JUMP!Start Requirements process, consisting of Requirements Discovery and Requirements Definition, is the first step in JDQ’s innovative JUMP!Start business improvement system.

Emphasizing close collaboration, the heart of our unique process involves face-to-face interaction between client stakeholders and the expert JDQ business improvement team. Using our proprietary technology that includes JDQ’s innovative discovery modeling toolkit, we ensure that all the characteristics of your operation are carefully included in the overall process. Together with you, we identify and document in an accurate, complete and clear fashion this initial “voice of the user”.

Instead of simply interviewing the client and then reporting the findings like other companies, JDQ’s JUMP!Start Requirements Discovery offers clear advantages:

  • We engage in solid preparation. By looking at you from the outside before we arrive, we find out as much as we can about who you are and what you do. That way, we can better utilize the information we gather when we look at you from the inside together.
  • JDQ develops a unique set of queries for each client case. By customizing our “tried and true” discovery checklist, we both learn more about your requirements.
  • We use a collaborative discovery approach that is focused, comfortable and safe. This space of inquiry produces clear, concise and useful documentation of our findings.
  • We are experts at implementation and improvisation. We have years of experience developing and working with the most current tools and, of equal importance, we are world class at “thinking on our feet”.
  • A JDQ JUMP!Start Requirements Discovery is a non-disruptive process that will not negatively impact your workflow.
  • Rather than take a short-cut to conclusions, our process identifies hidden requirements before they are “designed out”.
  • A finished JDQ discovery model provides you with an effective communications tool and a thorough report on our findings with all the detail you’ll need and in plain English.
  • Our process enables us to provide you with an estimate of the overall cost of the desired improvement, and a firm quote for preparing the detailed requirements specification.

Most significantly, the JDQ JUMP!Start Requirements Discovery allows you to begin benefiting from our years of experience in successful business improvement projects, swiftly and with confidence. At JDQ, we are always discovering new and better ways to help you achieve your goals.

Copyright 2020 JDQ Systems Inc.